Referral Process:
Please read through our frequently asked questions as our process may have changed.
Referring agency completes the referral screen and submits to Blue Ridge Healthy Families.
Program Support screens the referral to determine program eligibility, scores it, and enters it into the master log.
Supervisor reviews master log and assigns a Family Support Specialist.
Family Support Specialist calls to make contact with family to schedule the initial visit.
Family Support Specialist visits the family’s home to introduce the program and conduct a Family Resiliency and Opportunities for Growth assessment.
Family Support Specialist and Supervisor determine eligibility for home-visiting services (if the family does not qualify, Family Support Specialist will make referrals to other agencies.)
Family Support Specialist will set up a schedule for home visits and follow up with the referring agency to let them know the status of the referral.
Is everyone referred to the program accepted for services?
While we try to serve all families that are referred to the program there are times when there are no available service slots OR times when after reviewing the referral we find that families are outside our eligibility requirements. Regardless, we will always attempt to contact a referred family and guide them to other available and appropriate services.
How will I know if someone I referred is in the program?
You will be contacted at each stage of the referral process as to the status of the referral. We will contact you at the time the initial referral is received and then again at appropriate intervals until a family is either enrolled, declines or is no longer eligible.
Do I have to be a doctor or clinician to refer?
Absolutely not! We accept referrals from all persons and agencies.